In your eyes, I remain
In your eyes, i remain
This is a project that talks about those who are no longer there, in all the senses in which this absence can be expressed. The work aims to highlight memory. Remembering from the Latin recordari, meaning back with the heart to the time shared, to the smiles, to the warmth exchanged together. All this remains in the memory of those who remain. The hand leaves a final invitation to the encounter, to those moments still imprinted in the eyes of the observer through the reflection in the mirror. Memories like remains that taste of infinity that contemplate everything in the fleetingness of a glance. Something always remains, we just need to look inside ourselves.
Minute - Variations on emotional time
Reflecting on the time around us, time that pass or remains with us. Everyone perceive expansions of instants at certain times in life, someone more often, someone less. But it is something that affects each one of us. In those moments when a instant maybe an eternity that we are fully present and we are there, in everything and for everything. If life is a possibility, then, we should make every moment precious, alive and from which weed out all the sap that has by its nature. All the minutes, which are one divine moment, always present, always the "Now", are the mirror of a pure emotion, indistinct, that we live in life, but perhaps not quite as we should or we could. Sucked by other artificial world created by people, we forget that the moment is sacred and is sacred always. The potential of a moment is always the same and is almost infinite. Living in duration, in his vertigo where physics does not count and the time is not a straight line but it is a point. What are we doing in life? And why? The echo of what we do resonates only at that point that Bergson called Duration, otherwise it is entirely conventional, mechanical, cold, formal and useless. Minutes are duration. Time of conscience. Only ever one duration and could not be otherwise. Then comes an analysis of the self-consciousness within our living space. How many times we say our true opinion in our lives or how another inertial energy move events independently of us. The minutes are there to remember those moments that we all have where emotions and feelings are nothing more than rhyme, single core of the black hole that we don’t see or don’t want to see, but that gives color to life. Let us sucked completely from the present, fall into the abyss of life and realize that is not important the "then" but only Now.
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